Dutch Organic Bulbs
Acidanthera, also called gladiolus callianthus or Abyssinian gladiolus, is a deciduous root vegetable with wonderfully scented flowers. The star-shaped flowers consist of 6 white leaves with a purple-red base, giving it a dark heart.
Acidanthera needs a little attention, but you will also enjoy the plant a lot. It produces an average of 10 flowers and blooms late summer, from July to October.
If necessary, provide some support if they become very long and are in danger of falling over.
They like a sheltered, warm and sunny spot. Provide good draining soil. It is moderately hardy, so remove them from the ground before frost to save them for the next year, or cover them well in the event of (threatening) frost. Do not fertilise when planting, do this well in advance or otherwise not at all.