Dutch Organic Bulbs
Camassia leichtlinii Caerulea
Camassia leichtlinii Caerulea
Also known as Prairie Lily or Indian Flower because the bulb family was cooked and eaten by the Native Americans of North America. Caerulea (Caeruleus) means Sky Blue.
The charming plant has linear foliage around long upright stems with clusters of deep blue star-shaped flowers with a soft green bud in the center. The flowers open sequentially from bottom to top. It is a superstar among the grasses, providing a natural look if you plant them here and there in the garden or for a sky-blue accent if you plant them together. She likes a nutrient-rich soil, well drained but not too dry. The low-maintenance Camassia is propagated by the formation of baby bulbs on the mother bulb (naturalising). An elegant plant that blooms between the spring and summer bloomers.
A funny fact, the petals twist together when they have finished blooming. Camassia's are good cut flowers and they are bee-friendly.
Flowers in late April / May
Height 80cm